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Please first send an email inquiring about a commission painting. After we decide a canvas size, 50% down will be required before I begin painting. This is to cover up front costs as well as ensure commitment. This is non refundable.
Style and color schemes will also be chosen by you. You can expect final artwork to be completed within 4-6 weeks, the drying and varnishing process alone takes 2-3 weeks. Expect commission pieces to be double the price of art reproductions due to time and shipping. 24x36 (minimum size) start at $1,200.
You will get a picture of your final painting before final payment is submitted and your painting is shipped. Please keep in mind colors are not always viewed on screen as the same in person. An original canvas offers depth, detail, and texture not appreciated in prints.
Your commissioned piece is your own. I do not scan these for prints; they are a unique original no one else will have!
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